Monday, November 10, 2008

Marine Corps Birthday & Veterans Day.

Well I thought I would make this a double whammy since they are only a day apart. So HAPPY 233rd BIRTHDAY MARINE CORPS. The Marine Corps was established on November 10,1775 . They first started recruiting in a bar called Tuns Tavern. So to all the Marines past, & present Happy Birthday. I want to thank you personally for your service. No one will ever know what it takes and what kind of pride we really have because they have not lived it. To all the good Marines I've served with I love you guys. You guys where and always will be family to me. I want to thank Victor Mancha and his wife Liz for giving so much to this country. Vic & Liz Mancha will be retiring soon they have sacrificed so much. Vic you are one of the greatest Marines I have ever met in my life they should write a book on you, your wife, and kids on what it's like to live a Marines life. From being in every conflict from Desert Storm until present. Vic you have seen the sands of Iraq more than anybody and your family had to endure that with you every time. For that I want to say thank you and I love you brother. You are a hero in my book. To Matt Shelby who is in Iraq for the second time I thank you and love you brother. I have known Matt for hell most of my life and we share alot of memories together. From brothers on the football field to brothers in the Marine Corps I will always have your back bro. You are one I'm proud to stand next to and walk into battle with. Come home safe to your family and remember we all support you. To my dad thank you for your service and starting me on the right path you are a great Marine and should be very proud of what you have done and the sacrifices you have made. You will always be a great example to me and a hero in my book you have face alot in life when most couldn't I love you Pop. To Jacob Phillips, and David Pulido thank you for all that you do in your service for the Corps. So everyone should raise their glasses and give thanks to the worlds best fighting force. Yes I said world we have shown them what we are made of and no one can defeat us we have the American Spirit and USMC Pride.
To the American Veterans I want to thank you for all you have done to make this country as great as it is. With out all of you and the sacrifices you have all made we as Americans would never be able to enjoy the freedoms that we have today. Young and old I thank you for your service to this great country. So raise your glasses once more for all of the United States of America Veterans and all they have gave to make this a great place. Thank You Marines, Army, Navy, Air Force, National Guard, and Merchant Marines for all you have done for us and generations to come.
Much love,
From the American Irish,
Semper Fi