Friday, January 2, 2009

Do your DAM JOB.

I hate yes I said hate people that go through life like everyone owes them something. I mean if all you can do is complain then do us all a favor and put a bullet in your head if life is to hard or go out like a B with some pills, pink socks, and a tutu. Take things in life and learn from them and better yourself and help those around you. Don't play the guilt trip games or the pitty party because me myself I really can care less most of the times if you don't have the nuts to pick yourself up and help yourself. I have a guy at work and damn what a lazy piece of crap, But the thing is that everyone is always covering up for him and are to afraid to fire his ass. What has happen these days, people can't take responsibility for their actions or stand up, nobody wants to stir the pot. I say F that I will dump that pot on the ground to get somebody's attention. I'm sick of it. DO YOUR DAMN JOB. "Be a Man".

The Hardworking,
American Irish


patty maloy said...

I recall a New Years goal just a few days have a positive attitude even when life get's shitty!

Love You!

Heidi Maloy said...

Sonny, I wish you would tell us all what you really think... you don't have to hide your feelings from us- we're your friends and family. You really should work on coming out of your shell a little. "Be a Man!" Love ya... sorry you are stuck with that idiot!

sonnymaloy said...

Sorry Honey your right I should have a positive attitude but man sometimes I just wish people could pull their own load. But I guess society lets them get away with it. I'm happy to have a job to support my family & for all the experience of following and picking up after shit birds. So thank you with a smile. Thats pretty positive right?

Christopher Maloy said...

You tell that mean ocean bro!