Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Chris you are a great person inside and out and I love you. I will walk threw the valleys of shadows of death with you. You are a true friend. Keep your head up bro we can make it threw anything. You always make the comment about you not being in the military but you were with me everyday. I am proud and honored to be your brother. Into the depths of hell bro I would travel to help you. WE ARE BLOOD BROTHER. I dedicate this song to you. IRON MAIDEN "BLOOD BROTHERS". Forever I will always be here for you.
You always give me confidence and pride. I would take you to war with me anyday because I know your heart better than anybody.
Take a Pull off that bottle bro another drink we share.


Christopher Maloy said...

Thanks bro. Be careful not to put me on too high a pedestal. I have my problems too.

sonnymaloy said...

Whatever bro I can put you on whatever I want Your my brother.LMAO.